What is Atomic Structure?
Atomic structure is a very basic and fundamental topic to be studied in chemistry and modern physics. ” How to prepare atomic structure ” is one of the confusing questions asked by many of the candidates appearing in competitive exams. A good understanding of topics can give you full marks from this chapter. Proficiency in certain topics in this chapter can resolve your problem of “How to prepare atomic structure”?Atoms are extremely important particles that make all the materials on earth. Atoms are present in our bodies and they bond together to form molecules, which make up matter. Everything in the universe is composed of individual atoms of various elements that combine together to form molecules. The basic structure of an atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons and a cloud of electrons revolving around the nucleus.
– Atoms of oxygen are in the air and keep us alive because oxygen is needed for breathing.
-Atoms of carbon dioxide are released from our bodies and plants take in the CO2 so that photosynthesis can take place.
-Atoms of oxygen and hydrogen bond together to form a molecule of water (H2O). Water is so important in the world because it has multiple uses(drinking, cleaning, cooking, transportation). Our survival mostly depends on water.
-Atoms of Carbon (C) bond together in a particular structure to form Graphite which we use in pencil.
In this chapter, the aspirant will learn some important and basic terms electrons, protons, neutrons, atomic number, mass number, isotopes, isobars, velocity, frequency, wavelength, wavenumber, orbitals, quantum numbers, etc.
Atomic Structure topic:
- Discovery of Electron, Proton, and Neutron.
- Sub-atomic Particles.
- Atomic models.
- Dual nature of Matter.
- Photoelectric Effect.
- Electromagnetic Radiations.
- Quantum Mechanical Model of Atoms.
- Electronic Configuration.
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